To ease financial difficulties, farmers could be compensated for their loss of subsidies. 为了缓解经济困难,农场主们损失的补贴会得到补偿。
The company is in financial difficulties. 公司目前财政困难。
Already in financial difficulties, Turner offloaded the painting on to the Getty Museum. 特纳已经陷入财政困难,于是将这幅画卖给了盖蒂美术馆。
The manager has found a way to break through such a barrier of financial difficulties. 经理想出了解决资金困难的办法。
The company weathered through financial difficulties. 这个公司渡过了财政困难。
However, they have been beset by financial difficulties with the promise of long-term funding failing to materialise. 尽管如此,在长期的资金承诺为实现后陷入了资金困难的困惑。
We are looking for a solution to our financial difficulties. 我们正在寻找解决财政困难的办法。
We are now faced with financial difficulties, and the difficulties are considerable. 我们目前存在着经济上的困难,而且困难比较大。
We were greatly concerned over their financial difficulties. 我们非常关心他们经济方面的困难。
Given the financial difficulties of both companies, it seemed sensible for us to pool our resources. 既然两家公司都有经济困难,那我们把资源共享似乎是明智的。
If you do have financial difficulties, you can apply for a student loan. 如果确实在主流网经济上有困难,你可以申请助学金。
In their eagerness to find a solution they may have overlooked certain financial difficulties. 他们急于找到解决的方案,可能忽略了某些财政上的困难。
He has plunged the company into financial difficulties. 他使那个公司陷入财政困难。
Financial difficulties can be overcome only by down-to-earth and effective economic development. 财政困难,只有从切切实实的有效的经济发展上才能解决。
The firm will fall into financial difficulties. 这家公司将陷入财政困境。
Without any external assistance, the nuclear submarine programme encountered enormous technical and financial difficulties and was temporarily suspended in1963. 没有任何的外部协助,核潜艇计划遇到了巨大的技术上和财政困难并且暂时在1963年中止。
Not long after it cracked the code, Burr's lab hit financial difficulties. 在破解了代码之后,伯尔的实验室遇到了财政问题。
The second supplier, MWSI, encountered financial difficulties in2000-2001 that affected its operations. 2000-2001年间,梅尼拉德供水服务公司遇到了财政困难,其经营因此受到了影响。
The company was forced to reveal ( that) they were having financial difficulties. 该公司被迫透露他们正遇到财政困难。
Many regions and departments have earmarked special funds to aid students with financial difficulties. 许多地区和部门也安排专项资金,资助困难学生。
Many debtor countries may have to reschedule their loans because of financial difficulties. 许多债务国会因为财政困难而不得不重新调整贷款。
Tackle a problem head-on We are now faced with financial difficulties, and the difficulties are considerable. 迎向困难着手解决.我们目前存在着经济上的困难,而且困难比较大。
The project is running into financial difficulties. 这一项目遇到了财务困难。
However, a year before graduation, the firm started experiencing financial difficulties that could have led to bankruptcy. 但是,在离我毕业还有一年的时候,这个公司出现了财政困难,并且有可能导致公司破产。
To involve in or hamper with financial difficulties. 使卷入经济问题或以经济问题阻碍。
( I) the nature and extent of the balance-of-payments and the external financial difficulties; (ⅰ)国际收支和对外财政困难的性质和程度;
The loan was only a temporary solution to the country's financial difficulties. 借贷只能暂时解决这个国家的经济困难。
I understand that she was experiencing some financial difficulties. 我听说她在经济上出了一些问题。
The state adopts measures to assist students of minority nationalities and students with financial difficulties to receive higher education. 国家采取措施,帮助少数民族学生和经济困难的学生接受高等教育。
In addition, China's current GDP and fiscal revenue, tackle poverty and education problems are not financial difficulties can not afford. 另外,以我国目前GDP和财政收入看,解决贫困生受教育困难问题并非财政所不能负担。